Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Underrated acoustic musicians

If you're like me and you're fed up of hearing the same old auto-tuned crap on the radio and dominating the charts then you should enjoy something a little different. I'm going to talk about a couple of my favourite underrated musicians.

Charlie Simpson
Charlie was the lead singer of the band Busted, you might have heard of them their song 'Year 3000' or 'That's what I go to school for'. Busted broke up because Charlie wanted to pursue a career in rock music. He then joined a band called Fightstar, although these are my favourite band I'm not going to talk about these, they announced the band's going on hiatus for 2010-2011 for Charlie to do some solo stuff. Charlie's first official album is out on the 15th of August! Here's a video of his newest single off the new album.
You can preorder the album here
Graham Stookey
Graham is an 18 year old guy that started a youtube channel in hope that someone would like his stuff and he'd get a record deal. He recently released an EP with four songs on it, these four songs are not on his youtube channel. The one song is a cover of  'Jonah', this is the song that really drew the majority of his viewers to his channel. Here's the video;

You can buy his album here

Other Awesome Acoutic musicians
Newton Faulkner, Jack Johnson, Never Shout Never and Matt Costa.

If you can think of any other awesome Acoustic musicians please let me know! (:


  1. Wow Graham Stookey was great. Thanks for posting this. :)

  2. I'd love to see Graham Stookey do that on an electric guitar where those notes can really be heard well :) That's some skill to do it on acoustic like that though

  3. i wish i could play guitar like that

  4. The Charlie Simpson video was pretty great. Its good to hear music that comes from the heart for a change.

  5. Love the video, great find! Keep up the great work!

  6. I agree, great fine. People like this deserve to be discovered

  7. Charlie simpson all the way, can't beat the sound of an acoustic by any means. +follower

  8. wow awesome...I loved listening to these

  9. you only went and picked an amazing mix of them didn't you :)

  10. i do like learning about music im not familiar with

  11. Wow that was pretty good!

  12. Ask no questions and hear no lies

  13. Busted's member finally got serious in music. Well done to him. His song is decent.

  14. Hey this is an awesome post! "] Keep posting! +followed

  15. Too many people with guitars on youTube!!! D: I WANT MORE CATS!!!!

  16. Its sad know the world have some great talents and some of them maybe will be never discovered =/

  17. Not bad, I'm usually not a fan of acoustic music unless its classical music though.

  18. Cool songs, the Charlie Simpson one was awesome.
