Saturday, 20 August 2011

R.I.P to those that died at Pukkelpop Festival

Not sure if you've heard about the music festival Pukkelpop and what happened but I think it's just crazy. There was over 60,000 people there at the music festival in Belgium which had to be cancelled due to the terrible storms and incidents. A lot of bands pulled out before they had even said they were cancelling. Two people have been confirmed dead, around 70 are injured with 40 still in hospital.
I've been to a music festival and the weather on the last day was pretty bad, the stage was shaking a bit which was scary but that video is horrible. The storm is just insane. It must have been so scary to those people that were there. Something similar happened to this not that long ago when a stage fell down at the Indiana state fair stage collapsed and killed five people and left 40 injured.
The both disasters happened within a week of each other which is quite frightening. My thoughts go to the people died, and I hope the injured get better soon! It's nice to see that there are some nice humans out there too, like in the second video where you see everyone run away from the fall and then instantly run back to help out the injured. Well done guys!


  1. RIP, mother nature and music concerts just aren't getting along recently.

  2. This is very sad stuff, my heart goes out to them.

  3. Planned on posting it too today. Youngsters lost their arms and legs there! Friends of mine were standing 10cm of a tree that fell down just before their noses. It was horrible. A friend of a friend of mine lost his hand....
    Its not only the five people who died that evening, many people will have to wear the scars of that beautiful sunny day that changed into a brutal storm in a few minutes

  4. This was terrible and a similar incident actually happened near my city last year.

    They really should improve the design of those stages.

  5. @Reilly
    It is truly shocking! Glad your friend is alright man. That's crazy that your friends friend lost his hand ;/ I'm feeling freaked out about it just because when I was at a festival the stage was shacking a little and I was right at the front :l

  6. that was scary stuff wouldve hated to be there when it happened

  7. Love this blog post! A really interesting read! Followed!

  8. Always sucks when people die at a cool event :(
