Sunday, 21 August 2011

Nostalgic Game - SSX

The game SSX is snowboarding game where you have to make it to the bottom of the slope in the fastest time, or earn a certain amount of point before you reach the bottom. It's a game that I played when I was younger and it ruled. SSX Tricky was the one for me.. anyways, EA have revealed that there will be a brand new SSX out in January 2012. They released a trailer of it that includes pre-alpha game play. Take a look here;
I personally can't wait for this game, it looks awesome. And now that it has multiplayer it's going to rule. I love extreme sports in general and there are not that many games out there in comparison to football and rugby games -.- Oh and did anyone else see that wing-suit thing? OH MY GOD, can't wait to play this game, seriously. 

What do you guys think of the trailer? Did you play SSX a couple of years ago when it was out? Will you be buying this game? 


  1. Never played it, but always wanted to. I guess I'm nostalgic for my desire.

  2. When it comes to snow, the only nostalgic game i can remember is Coolboarders for playstation 1. Great game, countless hours playing it

  3. this looks pretty good looking forward to this game

  4. Well, the trailer looks amazing. :D

  5. I was more of a snowboard kids guy

  6. Wow, I haven't thought about SSX in ages!

  7. I think I played Snowboard Kids 64 or something when I was younger and I sucked at it. :P

  8. O I remember SSX from the old arcade games! :D It was so much fun!

  9. I only like those game when I can play against friends, solo it is so boring :/

  10. I had forgotten about skiing games! I use to love them! Thanks for the reminder!

  11. I remember playing the old version of this game; just nostalgia'd pretty hard ;o

  12. The scenario is very amazing, I not a big fan of snowboard but I like it

  13. Looks like it's gonna be a nice game

  14. they are doing some insane tricks in that game
