Saturday, 30 July 2011

People are freaking out about video games now..

Some kid played Halo for 12 hour periods and ended up dying from deep vein thromboses.. It is a sad story because y'know he's dead now and all over a game but now people are going crazy and are trying to take games away from their children. If you're going to sit around all day and play games you should at least take a break and walk to the kitchen or something? I've played World Of Warcraft for longer than 12 hours in the day but I'd take a break and go for a walk or something, anyways I just wanted to get that out there. R.I.P dude and I hope people chill out about this and just take a break every couple of hours.

Full story here..


  1. This isn't the first time something like this has happened.

  2. Great txt man

  3. Now I feel the need to get up and stop using the computer.

  4. as soon as i saw this this morning I knew that people were gonna start going over the top about this.

  5. Yea little pauses are really important.
    Stuff like that can be evaded so easily.

  6. Yeah its not the games fault, its the dumb kids fault for not responding to his bodies needs

  7. Did you hear about the couple in China that sold their children so they could keep playing their MMO?

    Tough shit...

    Cool blog by the way, followed.

  8. Ahaha omg, that's shocking! xD
    Thanks man, your blogs sweet too.

  9. yeah and on top of that, that Anders Behring Breivik guy mentions videogames like call of duty in his manifest. further making video games the scapegoat for violence. relevant to my interests. +follow

  10. Oh brilliant, I remember a couple of years ago a kids parents took his Halo 3 off him and he murdered them.. These people are obviously messed up in the first place ;/

  11. Poor kid. Hope he rests in peace...

  12. Poor kid, but his own fault to be honest. Take breaks...but there's no reason to punish everyone else.
