Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Assassin's Creed Revelations Gameplay Video!

Here's a little clip of the gameplay for the new Assassin's Creed game for all you AC fans! I feel bad watching this because I've yet to finish an Assassin's Creed game campaign. I played through about 80% of the first one but found it repetitive.. I didn't bother with the second one.. All I did in Brotherhood was play online because it rocked my socks and now this one's out and I doubt I'll play the story to this. I think I need to buy them all and play through the stories because I heard the stories are truly awesome.
Interesting music choice.. But it works so damn well xD

Do you like Assassin's Creed games? Will you be buying this game? And do you think I should play through them all again like a normal, sane person?

I personally really like the look of the trailer and I'm going to buy it even if it's for the multiplayer! You can get it here if you're interested!


  1. That's awesome, think I found my next game. Thanks for the vid.

  2. Big assassin's creed fan here! :) I wasn't a tough crowd this time.

  3. i played all of them can't wait for this one

  4. im so going to buy that game :D

  5. I never heard of the game but watching the ad makes me wanna check it out! Thanks!

  6. I've only watched my brother play. Never had time to try it myself but it looked like a lot of fun.

  7. dude, you SHOULD play AC 2 and Brotherhood, it's 1000 times more awesome

  8. assassin's is amazing
    i like to much the game
    excellent post

  9. I don't really like Assassin's Creed. It gets boring after a while since you're essentially just doing the same thing over and over again.

  10. Only played a little bit of the first one. This one however looks like they really stepped it up.

  11. These assassin's creed games keep getting better!

  12. Same with you, thought the first one was just boring through and through. Nothing about it was fun. No aspect of the game. Maybe squatting on top of some super tall building pretending you're taking a dump on the people down below, but that was it.

  13. Can't say I'm a fan of the assassin's creed games. Played 1 and 2 and they both became so repetitive to me I had to stop playing. 2 did a slightly better job at holding my interests, but not enough to win me over.
