Thursday, 11 August 2011

I just received some bad news..

I just found out that my University house got broken into.. They smashed the big bay window downstairs, smashed up our living room and other rooms. They stole two tv's a pc, a monitor, stereo, dvd's, cd's and other stuff. Luckily my room wasn't broken into but I still feel like crap now. My house is literally a minute away from the police station! I wont be able to go back down there until late Saturday either. I suppose I should just be greatful that my room wasn't touched. Newton tomorrow to take my mind off it. I'm going to try and get him to sign my leg so I can get his signature tattooed on me along with the album artwork. I've been tweeting him but no reply ;[ Damat why am I not famous.


  1. ouch, hope everything turns out alright

  2. dont take it personally-could happen to anyone

  3. thieves are extremely lame. i caught one in the act trying to steal my car about 6 months ago.

  4. It happens, hopefully the cops can do something about it. following

  5. Man that's horrible :(
    I'm really sorry to hear that

    Back when I was younger some burglars in Nigeria broke into our apartment complex with guns
    It was quite scary
    They ended up shooting the guard that was on duty (dad's a govt. guy nuff said)
    Boggles my mind what pushes people to do stuff like this :(

  6. Uh oh :( that sucks. Feel glad they didnt touch your room.

  7. Aw man that's greasy. More money out of the student's budget

  8. Ugh, that's terrible. I hope those crooks get caught.

  9. Wow sorry to hear that I know how that feels. Great post though, have fun going to see that famous celebrity

  10. sucks dude, but atleast your stuff is okay, and yea not being famous sucks too. lol

  11. I hate thieves.

  12. ooof, thats awful! Hope you find em and get stuff back!

  13. Yo bro, that IS some seriously bad news.

    Cheer up, I just followed you!

    Not working, is it?

  14. Thats no good man :/
    Check my newest post, your milky tutorial is up.

  15. I feel bad for your school. Is it causing problems with others? Are other kids really upset?
