Saturday, 6 August 2011

So they're remaking the first Spider-man.. The Amazing Spider-man.

Following the cancellation of Spider-man 4 Sony decided to remake the first Spider-man film with new cast and a new director. The original Amazing Spider-man was out in 1977 and now they're remaking it. From watching the trailer I'm in mixed minds about it. It looks pretty good but it also looks like it's a game. It reminds me of Mirrors Edge and a Spider-man game mixed.

The film is going to be in 3D and is said to be released on the 3rd of July, 2012. And it has be revealed that this film could be the start to a new sequel. The second 'The Amazing Spider-man' has already been given a a release date of May the 2nd, 2014. Let me know what you think of the trailer and if you think it will be better than the Spider-man films 1-3.


  1. I will watch it, but its not like im super excited or something like that as im not a spiderman fan or anything. I find the movies entertaining and thats enough for me to wanna watch it, plus 3D is always nice.

  2. Not gonna lie, im more excited about this one. The 3d is gonna be insane, i dont know if i can handle all that in 3d but it will be well worth the watch.

  3. Wow. I agree, kind of mixed thoughts.. I'll probably see it anyway.

  4. I dont't know, I'll probably give it a try but I'm not really confident about this movie.
    However the Mirrors Edge style scene is pretty cool but I hope the movie won't overdo it.

  5. The costume looks like crap
    the cast is unimpressive
    Peter looks like a hipster
    I'll just stick to my comics :\

  6. Is Gwen the blonde girl? I believe this will be better than the old movies.

  7. Can't wait for this!

  8. I like this! I liked the old Spider-man movies too but as far as I'm conserned you can never have to much Spider-man! I hope they do a even newer cast in the year 2020!!

  9. I'll see it, for sure, but I doubt I'll watch it in 3D. Usually just looks... bad.

    But the movie itself looks pretty good so far.

  10. They're stretching Spider Man too much, if it's as bad as the 3rd one they're done for

  11. looks epic, i really liked the point of view perspective at the end

  12. This looks really nice i love the first person view!

  13. Looks pretty good. He seems like a more believable Spiderman than Topher Grace. Hope he doesn't go all emo.
    They're taking a leaf out of Mirror's Edge with the first person style shot. That game was 3d as well if I recall correctly. I wonder if they'll make a first person Spidey game.

  14. the superhero movie bubble is is on the verge of popping
