Monday, 5 September 2011

Faulty Xbox's no more!

Gamestation and Game have only now decided to stop selling older models of the Xbox. The core unit, arcade and 20gb models had a high failure rate. They will still be selling what they have in stock but won't be selling any pre-owned ones. I now have the Limited edition Halo: Reach console, I bought this after my fourth Xbox broke down with the red ring of death. The last Xbox to have died should have gotten fixed with Microsoft but they suck. The rrod appeared a week before my warranty run out, I arranged with them to come pick it up so I packed it ready and on the day it was supposed to get picked up nothing happened.. Then the warranty run out and I was sad. But now the new Halo Xbox is doing well. The likely-hood of the newer models getting the rrod has been majorly reduced.. Since the fans are on the side it is able to breathe a lot easier and if it starts to get hot it will show a red dot and then shut itself down.

Sorry for the short post today, i've been busy again with uni preparation and I've also been helping my friend revise for his university test. I've gone over his notes so much that i've learnt about materials and manufacturing in Product Design..

Have you guys ever had that horrible feeling of your Xbox slowly giving in to rrod?


  1. i've had to repair several faulty RROD xbox consoles.

  2. My 60gb Xbox never even tried to fuck with me hahaha we have a nice thing going on, she won't show me red lights and i won't abuse her by using it too much.

  3. Ahaha, i'm glad you've got a nice thing going. Hope it lasts xD

  4. I do not even have xbox. :/

  5. I only had RROD once, the other times were replaced due to other circumstances. (cba to explain)

    I'm considering buying another one mind you, in time for Gears of War 3 :/ Not sure if I should, I play a lot of games on PS3 as it is.

  6. I also have no xbox. I hear this is a big problem though.

  7. Yeah, I've heard about this. They should have done it sooner imo.

  8. i had 3 or 4 don't remember but you know R.I.P.

  9. I've had an original xbox 360 for years now and it hasn't given me problems
