Monday, 12 September 2011

Minecraft 1.8 leaked

Some of you may play Minecraft and know that there's a big update coming out soon, the big 1.8 update. This update sees a massive amount of changes, this comparing to the other updates that have been pretty minor. In 1.8 single player mode you can have two game types, survival mode and creative mode. The creative world gives you unlimited blocks and the ability to fly, this means it will be a lot easier for users to build awesome buildings. The survival mode means you have to get materials yourself, no flying or no unlimited blocks. You will however be able to sprint, you do this by double hitting 'w'. You will also get an experience bar and a hunger bar, the hunger bar is the thing that's been affecting me most, i'm so used to mining down as far as possible just for a laugh, now though the more you mine the more your hunger bar goes down, you need to make sure you have food with you if you're going to go mining.

I don't know about you but the trailer get's me all excited.. If you're excited and can't wait for the release then you can download the pre-released version here. You're download the Minecraft.jar file, all you have to do is open the Minecraft .bin folder by going to %appdata% , Minecraft, Bin, then delete the Minecraft.jar file and replace with the downloaded one. It works just fine, I'm currently playing it now. It's a little buggy but if you're interested in looking at the updates it's worth a look. If you want to get rid of it then just delete the .bin folder and re-open Minecraft. Notch confirmed on twitter that 1.8 had been leaked. I recommend you check it out!


  1. I have played minecraft quite a bit. I enjoyed it but it got boring rather fast. I guess this is great news for minecraft lovers though.

  2. Is it really a leak when a dev publicly puts it out?

    Kinda sounds like a beta/alpha stage game asking for money, wink wink.

  3. Yes, this was a incredulously major improvement to Minecraft in my opinion. I greatly anticipated the implementation of Adventure Mode - NPC towns, abandoned mines, new items, &c.

    Thank you for the post!

  4. Man, looks awesome!!!

  5. Whoa I'm excited about this too! +1 following

  6. oh i had a while without playing it mm i must try it once update is done ! seems will be enterteining XD

  7. I like the sound of creative mode, it sounds more like what most people use the game for anyway.

  8. Must. Resist. Playing.

    Must. Study. Instead. ;_;

  9. hm, both game modes seem to really play to the two main types of minecraft gamers. looks awesome.

  10. I have never played Minecraft it looks like a great game but seems there isn't anything that attracts me to this game . Maybe if i'll play it i will change my opinion .

  11. I saw a preview of update, it will be massive!

  12. didnt relise it had leaked, thanks!

  13. Notch is really awesome for hosting the leak himself, he said that prevents you from downloading viruses and other malware.I am sure Notch is confident in even more people buying minecraft now. The creepers should be way more creepy btw.

  14. looks good and as a minecraft fan i'll get that :D

  15. I still haven't played the origanal, but the adition of flying sounds like they've made this game a lot easyer!

  16. This is going to blow the internet away...
    Check me out =)
