Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Apple's products and ideas are epic!

If you're like enjoy Apple's products because they look so good and they're so innovative. Apple's Magic Trackpad is a multi-touch pad, the same you'll find on a macbook. These Magic Trackpads are used on the iMac's and are used to either mac the Apple experience easier or they can be used for drawings.
Looks so simple but nice *_*

Anyways this is not what i've come to talk about as this has been out for quite some time.. The thing i'm going to talk about is the new Magic Numpad. It's a film that you put over the Magic Trackpad and then and a program runs and runs your Trackpad into a Numpad. This making it good for people that work with numbers (Bankers, Accountants) or gamers. I think the idea itself is clever and the fact it's just a little "sheet" that makes it change is awesome.

This piece of technology will only set you back $30 which is pretty cheap for an Apple product.. What do you think?


  1. Wow, looks awesome!

  2. its good for people that works with numbers great post

  3. Pretty cool, and not a bad price for an Apple product!

  4. An Apple product for just $30? Maybe you forgot an extra zero? :P

  5. At first I disaproved because I'm not a huge apple fan but that is really neat and $30 is not a bad price for the product, especially considering it's apple!

  6. Wow, really surprised they aren't charging a lot more for this, considering that it's Apple and all.

  7. 30 dollars in the UK perhaps. Here it goes for more than 100 :/

  8. This is very cool! I like this!

  9. Apple is pretty evil in my book. I prefer products that are universally interchangeable and updatable.

  10. That's surprising cheap.... I'm suspicious now...

  11. I hear about how expensive apple products are, but here in the UK I just don't see it. We're definitely getting value for money, and those look cool!

  12. I guess it's nice for laptops

  13. Nah, not worth it
