Tuesday, 30 August 2011

EA's Advertising

It would seem EA don't care about advertising some of their newer games? I just watched three new trailers of theirs and they're terrible.. The games themselves look terrible too. I'm just wondering why they bother advertising them, if the games look bad and the adverts bad surely they don't actually care about them. It seems they're just throwing games out there to get as much money as possible. Here's the three trailers I watched..

As you can see, they're really not good, at all. I mean yes they have "celebrities" in them which probably cost quite a bit, but they still couldn't have put much effort into the trailers. You'd think the trailers were created by some cheap, run down game company, but it's EA, one of the biggest out there. The same company that produced this amazing trailer..

Is this trailer so much better just because DICE created the game? Are EA just involved just because of their big name so that they can get the game "out there" to more people? I'm quite confused..


  1. I think EA is involved to publish the game and DICE is only the developer.
    Battlefield 3 will be a hit, either way.

  2. Definitely! It's sad that there's so many MW3 advertising in the game shops and nothing for Battlefield 3 ;/

  3. In the defense of EA, they do bring us all the Suda 51 and Bioware games lately, as well as the Dead Space and Mirror's Edge franchises!

  4. ugly trailers and Battlefield 3 is one badass game

  5. Well 2 are sports games, but that Sims trailer, wtf...

  6. BF3 will be a massive success, no doubt about it. Regarding the other games, i will buy NBA Jam but that's because im a big fan

  7. Dang those first three are terrible. Bleh.

  8. Looking forward to NBA Jam, for sure... so much nostalgia.

  9. Truely good games don't need ads.

  10. EA is horrible and I hate them. Nearly everything they touch turns to garbage soon enough.

  11. Yeah, EA is slacking lately...
    DICE has always been one of my favourites. Mirror's Edge was great! :)
