Friday, 16 September 2011

Free Portal for Steam users!

It's been around four years now since this game was release so you're bound to have heard of it and maybe even own a copy. If not then this is your chance to get it for absolutely free! The reason behind this is that Portal/Portal 2 is now being used in some classrooms to help teach physics, maths, logic, problem-solving skills and spatial reasoning. I don't know about you but I am really jealous of these pupils that get to play Portal in class, I had to learn all these things the boring way.. And I'm a visual learner so this would have been of great help to me. If you for some reason don't know what Portal is then here's a trailer..

Anyways as I said, this game is now free from Valve's website, the download page is here. It is only free until the 20th of September so go go go and download and have fun!


  1. Oh yes! I'm redownloading this right now! Portal is just plain great, it was so innovative, something new, and fresh. The game walked the player through it's difficulty without slamming on us too hard, which was wonderful, I never was good at puzzle games, but this brought me love to solving kind of games :).

  2. Downloading right now. (:

  3. Only free for four days? Darn it!

  4. I feel pretty dumb not knowing what steam is. Also i have never played portal so i guess today's not my day hahaha

  5. Dang that's such awesome news. I wish i got to play video games in class.

  6. Pretty awesome, glad everyone can play it now.

  7. Oh wow for free? definitely gonna download!

  8. I've always meant to play it but never actually bought it, this is great!

  9. i want to get steam

  10. Damn, I wish they made me play portal when I was in school! I love those games. Already own them.

  11. Downloading it now! Thanks for the news!

  12. already took advantage of this. awesomeness.

  13. Thanks for sharing buddy. Portal's great. I need to get Steam back again

  14. nice video and great blog + following
