Thursday, 15 September 2011

PC gaming with Xbox Controls.

There is pretty much only types of gamers, PC and console gamers. I for one and a bit of both, this is mostly because the majority of my friends are on Xbox Live and the PSN and the fact that at the moment I don't actually have a PC. If you're a console gamer but would like to make the transfer to PC gaming to experience better graphics and overall a better way to game then you might be interested in this product. At first when I saw this product I thought.... what the hell. A lot of people use Ps3 or Xbox controllers whilst PC gaming, but this product is a mixture of PC gaming(mouse) and Xbox gaming(Anolog stick).
Sayy whaaaaaat?
I know what you're thinking.. That's just have a controller and a mouse.. Well you're kinda right I suppose. But just imagine playing a game now with these controls. The mouse in your right hand to move the cursor and the left controller to move around and fire. When I pretend to hold these and play a game it seems to work well in my head, I don't know if that's me going crazy or if this is just a genius idea. The product is also available for Ps3 buttons too. They sell for around £60-£70 which is pretty good considering some gaming mice go for way more alone. They're available from here.

What are your thoughts on this product? Genius or Crazy?


  1. Well, I'd buy it!

  2. What is this I don't even. Looks like a Wiimote and nunchuck with more buttons.

  3. I think this is awesome. My friend ryan uses something similar and it's great

  4. Sounds interesting. I might have to buy one of these!

  5. Think it's genius. Always wanted to do something like this. I find it very cool indeed man, it would be crazy but good fun.

  6. Looks like a goofy Naga if you ask me.

  7. To be honest I think it's a bit ridiculous. While it uses the mouse aim, which I think gives people that it's more accurate, this seems too crazy for my tastes.

  8. actually, genius. though i'm not sure how intuitive the button layout is.

  9. I don't know how i feel about it. I guess it's one of those things that you never know until you try it and use it for a while to get used to it.

  10. I'll stick with my mouse and board, thanks.

  11. thats fuckin awesome best of both worlds if you ask me

  12. This can work, there are better side button design though, there are some crazy mouses/peripherals out there, this doesn't look too crazy. PC has had peripherals for 20 years, I heard you could not even play some games if you didn't have a joystick, all those car wheel and pedal peripherals, plane sticks, PC peripherals have now been faded for several years, you don't see many games with planes without the only option as WASD. What I think will happen is, I think the peripherals are going to come back around to PC, and it's going to be good.

  13. Nah.. i'll just stick with my gamepad. Although this was interesting.
